Kiwi Voice & Data
Leased Lines
Broadband 〰️ Leased Lines 〰️ DSL 〰️ 5G 〰️ Fibre 〰️ FTTC 〰️ FTTP 〰️
Connectivity with Kiwi
Our aim is to keep you connected 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Have a choice of our DSL lines, Leased lines, and FTTC lines.
With internet connectivity being the lifeblood of many businesses, fast and reliable broadband service is essential for productivity, efficiency, and business longevity.
A lot of issues we see for businesses is internet capacity, this is due to the exchanges in place becoming full. This then, unfortunately, slows down internet usage and can cause issues onsite.
At Kiwi, our business-grade broadband system is an innovative solution that prevents avoidable service issues through usage monitoring which immediately addresses bandwidth narrowing and reduced connectivity.
Broadband and Internet
We add the missing piece to your communications…
Make sure your technological map is well routed…We provide Business Grade Broadband which is in place to bypass the typical service issues encountered on the networks built for the masses. This is executed by providing a continually monitored service, which immediately addresses the degradation of service and bandwidth narrowing. This is also how VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is reliably routed allowing its successful deployment.